CME BElink2ELO: Intelligent management of CAD engineering data with your DMS/ECM.

“CME BElink2ELO is the clear market leader in terms of cost-effectiveness, especially compared to other products that work with Bentley CAD data.”

Problems we solve

Efficient data management for your Bentley engineering data

Your new Business Solution

CME BElink2ELO extends ELO with the key functions for handling Bentley & AutoCAD Engineering data.



CME BElink2ELO is your intelligent drawing management software that focuses on Bentley engineering data while at the same time utilizing the full range of ECM functions.

In addition to a contemporary design, the software combination offers maximum usability paired with comprehensive, powerful and modern ECM functions.

The integration of Bentley products through CME BElink2ELO opens up new horizons, more flexibility and a holistic cross-departmental approach.

In conjunction with the ELO Teamroom, the project room for external service providers or integration into Microsoft Teams, collaboration takes place from a central, legally compliant ELO archive.

This includes:


CME Business- and Service Solution

Your options with CME BElink2ELO

Get our free product presentation [PDF] to find out more about the individual functions of CME BElink2ELO:

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Talk to an expert now and learn how to boost efficiency in CAD-Management!

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you. You will find out exactly what is possible with our software solutions and services and how you can benefit from them.


Your benefits with CME BElink2ELO

Efficient project work - internal & external

Projects are made more efficient, transparent and traceable, while external service providers are integrated effortlessly.

Superior cost-effectiveness

CME BElink2ELO offers unbeatable cost-effectiveness, especially when compared to other products that work with Bentley engineering data.

Comprehensive solution

CME BElink2ELO enables the activation of references and offers a complete solution for the management of Bentley Engineering data.

Intelligent data management with ECM

Combination of intelligent engineering data management with ECM for efficient data management.

Control over retention periods

Maintain full control over the retention periods of your engineering data.

Begeisterte Kunden

Branchenübergreifende Referenzen

Branchenübergreifende Referenzen unter anderem aus den Bereichen Automotive, Banken, Chemie, Transport & Verkehr, Energie / Versorger, Städte und Kommunen, Produktion & Technik und vielen weiteren.

Get your free consultation!


Frequently asked questions & answers

Switching to CME BElink2ELO and integrating it into your workflows is quick and easy. We offer both the “Move Wise” method and the “Batch to ELO” option for customers who do not use ProjectWise. We will be happy to answer more in-depth questions in a free consultation.

Yes, CME BElink2ELO was specially developed for Bentley MicroStation and, in addition to the ECM ELO, is the basic requirement for using the CME BElink2ELO business solution.

Yes, CME BElink2ELO can also be used for intelligent management of AutoCAD drawings, as the MicroStation CAD platform already supports AutoCAD DWGs without conversion and CME BElink2ELO makes use of this option. This means that AutoCAD users can also fully benefit from the functions of the CME BElink2ELO business solution, provided that at least one MicroStation is available.

Yes, CME BElink2ELO supports both MicroStation references and AutoCAD Xrefs to give you maximum flexibility in managing your engineering data.

Start now

Ablauf unserer Zusammenarbeit

1. Make an appointment

We will discuss your situation and goals together to check whether it makes sense to work together. Allow about 20 minutes.

2. Detailed consultation

In a 60 to 90-minute second meeting, we will discuss all the questions and details of how we can achieve your goals.

3. Workshop with decision-makers and the specialist department

We gain clarity about your processes, create a clear roadmap, and analyze the opportunities and potential for various departments.

4. Results-oriented collaboration

Together, we implement the developed roadmap, focusing on concrete results.





Get a free consultation from our experts!

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you. You will find out exactly what is possible with our software solutions and services and how you can benefit from them.

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Ihre Möglichkeiten mit CME BElink2ELO [PDF]
